Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo Removal Yakima, Kennewick, Beverly Hills

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If you’ve changed your mind about one of your tattoos, Synergy MedAesthetics can help. People may decide to have their tattoos removed for a variety of reasons. Over time tattoos can stretch or lose shape, colors can poorly fade, or you may just now regret your original choices. While tattoos are permanent, laser treatments performed by a professional can safely remove unwanted ink.
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How Laser Tattoo
Removal Works

At Synergy MedAesthetics, we use the state-of-the-art Cutera Enlighten multi-wavelength laser for tattoo removal. The Cutera Enlighten laser uses intense wavelengths that can break down tattoo ink and pigments. This laser treatment works by administering a combination of longer and shorter pulses. The longer pulses break the larger ink particles into smaller ones, while the shorter pulses eliminate those smaller particles. The laser includes a built-in cooling system that protects your skin from the heat of the laser technology and prevents any damage to the dermal layer.

How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

How Laser Tattoo Removal Works

At Synergy MedAesthetics, we use the state-of-the-art Cutera Enlighten multi-wavelength laser for tattoo removal. The Cutera Enlighten laser uses intense wavelengths that can break down tattoo ink and pigments. This laser treatment works by administering a combination of longer and shorter pulses.
The longer pulses break the larger ink particles into smaller ones, while the shorter pulses eliminate those smaller particles. The laser includes a built-in cooling system that protects your skin from the heat of the laser technology and prevents any damage to the dermal layer.

Your Consultation at Synergy MedAesthetics

The first step in your laser tattoo removal is a consultation with our staff at Synergy MedAesthetics. Our specialists will examine your tattoo to get a better understanding of the correct approach to take. The age of tattoo, location, pigment, and tattoo size are essential factors in the tattoo removal treatment process. Our staff will also recommend the approximate number of treatments that will be required for the complete removal of your unwanted tattoo.

Your Tattoo Removal Treatment

When you arrive for your treatment, you will be seated in one of our comfortable treatment chairs. Depending on your treatment area, you may be asked to wear protective glasses to shield your eyes from the laser.

Once the treatment begins, the laser will be moved around your tattoo, and the beams will penetrate the skin. The heat will break down the tattoo pigment until it is completely removed. Each treatment lasts between 15 and 45 minutes, depending on the size and density of the tattoo.

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After Your Treatment

Once the treatment is over, we will apply an antibiotic cream and bandages to the treated area. This will help keep the surrounding skin clean and free from infection. During your recovery, you may need to change your bandages and reapply the cream. You will be able to return to your normal activities right away, but there are a few things you should avoid for the first week following your treatment. This includes direct sun exposure, hot water, and abrasive cosmetics.
You will begin to see results after your first session. The tattoo will begin to look blurry, and the edges will have faded. After your next session, you will see a continued improvement, as the tattoo pigment will fade more and more. Once the unwanted tattoo has been entirely removed, the surrounding skin will take a few weeks to heal. After this, it will be as though you never had the tattoo in the first place.

Benefits of the Cutera Enlighten System

At Synergy MedAesthetics we use the most advanced tattoo removal technology available. While there are many tattoo removal systems on the market, the Cutera Enlighten System is one of the most successful available. On top of the success, it also has numerous benefits, including:
  • It works well for those with sensitive skin It is a safe treatment method with little risk
  • It is able to be used on any skin tone or color
  • It can be used on both black and white and colored tattoos.

Your Treatment at Synergy MedAesthetics

Synergy MedAesthetics is a top-rated Med Spa with locations in Kennewick and Yakima, WA, as well as Mobile, AL. Our highly-trained providers have years of experience removing tattoos and can help treat yours successfully. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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